Looking for participants for a research study:
“Language in the (aging) brain” (Georgetown University)
CC: Getty images
We are looking for participants for a study conducted at the Brain and Language Lab (Georgetown University).
In this cross-sectional lifespan study, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, we are investigating word-finding problems in aging: who is particularly vulnerable to experiencing them, when do they start, and why do they occur?
Would you like to help us with this research?
Eligibility criteria:
women: 40-99 years old
men: 18-99 years old
Native speaker of American English, and no fluency in another language
Normal/corrected hearing and vision
No history of neurological, learning, or psychiatric disorders, neural injury, or drug/alcohol dependence
WHAT: You will complete a series of computerized tasks in the lab, plus a 20-minute MRI scan. MRI scans are completely non-invasive (no needles, no electrodes, etc.), and we can provide you with a picture of your brain after the study.
WHEN: 3 sessions, each approximately 1–2.5 hours long, scheduled at your convenience (up to 6 hours total).
WHERE: Brain & Language Lab and Center for Molecular Imaging, at Georgetown University.
EARN: You will be reimbursed for your time at a rate of $25/hr for time spent in the MRI scanner and $10/hr for time spent outside the scanner (i.e., in our lab).
If you have further questions or are interested in participating, please contact us
by email brainlangadmin@georgetown.edu or
by phone 202-701-8489
Please include your name and your age, as well as a phone number, so we can reach back out to you.